I wanted to get in one more post before the new year. Thought I would share some of mine and the dotter's Christmas with you.
We love Christmas Eve and like many families have our traditions that we love. We started the evening with a wonderful dinner (roast, potatoes, veggies, appetizers and goblets with sparkling cider.) Grandma and Grandpa, Michelle, LJ and the kids were all invited. After dinner we did the traditional opening of Christmas jammies. This was one of the first years that they were not all matching and I bought some for little Sophia and Garret. The dotter's and I just love those 2 peanuts!
After they changed into jammies the dotter's had planned a special program for us. Bronwyn and Brooklyn have gotten really good on the piano and they played carols and sang for us. We also read from the bible the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The dotter's were really excited and finally settled down to bed at around 11pm.
Brooklyn playing Jingle Bells. |
Then it was up at 6am for us. Yes, you heard me 6am! They have never gotten up that early before. We just couldn't keep them contained, so it was off to open presents. Luckily, I had a chance to go back to bed while they played with presents.
Thought I would share some fun gifts I received. I saw this lamp in the Anthropologie catalog and really wanted it. Unfortunately like most things in the Anthropologie catalog it was way out of my price range. The price tag of $500 did not fit in the hubby's budget. Luckily I had collected a few of these shoe forms over the years. He took them and made me this wonderful lamp! I think it is even better than the one from Anthropologie. My dad gave me the wonderful deer antlers. I have been wanting a pair. They are super chic. It's the look I'm loving a lot right now.

You can see the base of my shoe lamp. It is 3 little wooden shoe forms, which makes it better than Anthropologie's :) |
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. May this new year bring you many blessings and all that you hope for.