Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tea Parties, Tiaras and........Time

A picture of the lovely ballerina lamp in my dotter's room.

I've been thinking a lot about tea parties lately. I know, weird.

So.... since I have 3 dotters, I have hosted many tea parties. Tea parties in my mind represent fun, make-believe, sharing, pretend and magic; all things you associate with childhood.

I've been feeling so nostalgic lately and..... in a way that hasn't hit me before; that my girls are growing up, they are getting older. What happened to those cute chubby cheeks those sweet toddlers. I know you are probably thinking yes Jennifer; children do grow up, but I appreciate your indulgence as I lament. My baby...yes baby turns 5 in one month. I still remember this little 2 pound preemie fighting for life... and now 5!

I truly believe when you have children your life seems to kick in and move at warp speed. Do you feel that way?

With Christmas coming up, my dotters have started to tweet and twitter about what they want, the responses are listed below:

1) An ipod touch
2) An iphone
3) Dsi games
4) Giftcards
5) and just plain CASH

No dolls, no real toys so to speak, not even books. Yes, technology is what they crave. Have I told you my dotters are 10, 7 and 5(almost)? It does make me sad, and also makes me realize how different the world is that my children are growing up in.

So I'm back to tea parties. Whenever I think about this to much, the fact that they are getting older, the fact that all they crave is technology I remember that they still love to have tea parties.
I don't know for how long, but for today they want to put on those vintage hats, get out the teacups and have delightful desserts.

And today I am grateful for that.

Some adorable teacups I bought at Anthropologie. One for each of the dotters with their initials.
A sweet vintage tea service and crown I will be selling at the Beehive Bazaar. Start your own tea party tradition.
Another sweet fairy crown with vintage tea cups that will be available at the Beehive Bazaar.
A closeup of this glitter fairy "tiara"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love how you worded their interest with the word "crave". You can't help what they crave, huh? It's just the world we live in & how it works now. I had a friend who lives in Indiana make a sweet statement. She said she noticed two cute 13 year old girls walking out of the PUBLIC LIBRARY laughing & talking. She said it reminded her that there is still innocence in the world.

Beautiful post. Life does fly with kids. I'm gonna die when Andie goes to kindergarten. I know the train will explode into a high speeding jet then. NOT READY!